A cheerful, ever-smiling young woman, calm and in control of her life, she emanated optimism and joy; being in her company made you feel more peaceful and cheerful. Then, the astonishing news came and shattered our community.
20th – 26th September, 2021
And just like that… a new decade of parenting began.
13th – 19th September, 2021
Summer is over, although some last remnants persist, autumn is here and school is back in session. Vive la rentrée!
6th – 12th September, 2021
Franja Partisan Hospital operated as an illegal hospital during WWII. A cooperation between medical staff and locals ensured the success of the hospital, which treated friendly and enemy soldiers alike and has thus become a monument of humanity, companionship and solidarity.
23rd – 29th August, 2021
These holidays have been such a throwback for both adults in the family, making it impossible to select only seven photos.
9th – 15th August
Coming back home is always nice but this time was especially emotional, visiting with places I grew up in, my primary school, the playground I spent my days at, seeing my children playing with my old toys and, finally, returning to ancestral home with its fountain build at the beginning of the previous century, its Read More
2nd – 8th August, 2021
We are all about aftermath at the moment – the aftermath of sunny days, the aftermath of recklessness, the aftermath of having four children in the house and a lot to look forward to.