2nd – 8th August, 2021

We are all about aftermath at the moment – the aftermath of sunny days, the aftermath of recklessness, the aftermath of having four children in the house and a lot to look forward to.

19th – 25th July, 2021

Summer condensed into a week!

12th – 18th July, 2021

Aaaaand… that’s a wrap. School year is over, let the holidays begin!! As the children were slaving away at school for the last few days, I tried to squeeze in a bit of shopping and a solo lunch while also arrange for the teacher’s gift and something fun to keep the children occupied during the Read More

7th – 13th June, 2021

From being sunburnt twice in a week to our garage being flooded and back, this has certainly been an eventful week, while we took up new and rediscovered old hobbies.