27th June – 3rd July, 2022
It’s the last two weeks! We’re sprinting towards the end of the school year packing in as much as possible – guests, birthday celebrations, rehearsals and five evening performances. Life is wild!
20th – 26th June, 2022
Celebrations, and self-indulgence, abound and another, the most special one, is coming Monday.
13th – 19th June, 2022
Remember the flooded kitchen? Well, we’ve been shopping for a new one over the weekend. Unsuccessfully. What we have been successful at, though, was seizing the week to it’s fullest.
6th – 12th June, 2022
Over the weekend, we bought new Legos because clearly we don’t have enough of them and joined a massive pic-nic, enabling us to rub shoulders with people we haven’t seen in a really long time. Full of small treats and a close encounter with a famous writer, we’re read for the last month of school!
30th May – 5th June, 2022
Coming back home we have immediately fallen back into our routine, taking time for little pleasure, as well. Mostly such that honour summer. 30°C plus, we’re ready!
23rd – 29th May, 2022
As we continue cruising the old continent, hopping from one place to another, we reminisce on the good old times, spend time with the people we love and start our swimming season in the Mediterranean!
16th – 22nd May, 2022
My week started as many others – with Luxembourgish classes and delighting over my new nails. It progressed, though into a flooded kitchen that caused utter stress and last-minute packing. But all is well that ends well, especially if on holidays!
What lies behind
So there are a few points to be made here. First, you cannot possibly know what goes on behind the scenes.
And secondly, no matter how agonising the moment, this too, shall pass. All that will remain are lovely pictures and sweet-smiling babies.