15th – 21st August, 2022

0cover 2 scaled - 15th - 21st August, 2022

We’ve driven through half the continent and and spend the night in four countries this week. Quite an achievement, I’d say!

1drive 1024x768 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
2Bosna 1024x824 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
3Dalmatinec 1024x767 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
4jutro 1024x726 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
5treat1 768x1024 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
6jacuzzi 1024x519 - 15th - 21st August, 2022
7igre 1024x578 - 15th - 21st August, 2022

Share and Enjoy !

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