11th-17th January, 2021

sneženi mož, snežena žena, adulting, odrasli, covered up

The first weeks of this strange new year have been consumed by an unusual quantity of snow and bitter cold. Every free minute of it. So much so that it could not have not possibly be resumed in only seven pictures.

1pot 683x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
2snowangel - 11th-17th January, 2021
4Piggy 424x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
5kakav 615x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
6kepa 657x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
7Mia 593x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
9sence 501x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021
8Piggy colage - 11th-17th January, 2021
10odhod 611x1024 - 11th-17th January, 2021

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