Not at the beach yet but close enough, in more than one sense.
Author: laradeluxe
19th – 25th July, 2021
Summer condensed into a week!
12th – 18th July, 2021
Aaaaand… that’s a wrap. School year is over, let the holidays begin!! As the children were slaving away at school for the last few days, I tried to squeeze in a bit of shopping and a solo lunch while also arrange for the teacher’s gift and something fun to keep the children occupied during the Read More
5th – 11th July, 2021
Somehow, most of our week revolved around food – whether literal, liquid, questionable or skin food.
28th June – 4th July, 2021
The week started in the nicest way possible with a wine tour and continued with testing our new games, studying for the upcoming exams, and a retro throwback.
21st-27th June, 2021
It was hard but we managed – squishing three birthdays into one week. Songs were sung, candles were blown, cakes were eaten, champagne flowed. Here is to another year! 🥂🍾
14th – 20th June, 2021
Mid-June, after an incredibly wet spring, floods and only a day or two of sun in between, we finally got the first taste of summer, just in time for some open-air Euro 2020 viewing.
7th – 13th June, 2021
From being sunburnt twice in a week to our garage being flooded and back, this has certainly been an eventful week, while we took up new and rediscovered old hobbies.
24th-30th May, 2021
We filled this holiday week with loads of fun. The best was saved for last – with a visit to a butterfly garden, summer finally paying a visit and us taking full advantage of it.