In the end, having time off to spend it together as a family is my absolute favourite thing.
Author: laradeluxe
Green KitKats of happiness
All perks of living in a country with over 170 different nationalities (STATEC figures on 1st February 2011) who are used to travelling and moving a lot.
The books we read
We love books and our house shows it. As well as our frequent visits to libraries.
The languages we speak
Let’s have some story time – loads of words with little to no pictures – shall we? Growing up in a bilingual region, I and my peers were somewhat of an exotic bird for the rest of the country. Learning another language, Italian in this case, alongside your mother tongue would have hardly been unique. Having all our Read More
Vive la rentrée!
It’s a funny thing, the Luxembourgish public school system; it starts at age three with Spillschoul and in Luxembourgish. The first years, gathered under the Cycle 1 umbrella, are focused on socializing, developing fine motor skills and, most importantly, learning the local language. Then, with Cycle 2, the real accademic learning begins, the vernacular language Read More
What my kids eat in a week – 3-10 June
Food rules our life, really; be it having to be home in time for dinner or finding a snack before the children have an epic meltdown! The best part of my day-to-day planning involves worrying about the amount and diversity of produce we have at home. Although, luckily, my children get a warm and freshly-cooked Read More
The marathon comes to Luxembourg
Probably helped by the fact that it is a night marathon, starting only at 19h and ending well after midnight, the race is a social event in the Grand Dutchy, accompanied by a whole array of supporting program. There are different bands and dancing groups spread throughout the city to encourage the runners, food stands Read More
Sport a Spill fir d’ganz Famill
For the past four years, we’ve been regular visitors of the Spillfest, a sportive event organised by the Luxembourgish Olympic Committee. The idea behind this colossal undertaking is to familiarise the general public with sports they might have otherwise ignored the existence of but underneath it all, it is a really nice social event to Read More
Déierepark – where party animals meet actual animals
I’m baaack! So much has been going on in the last few months but sometimes you just need to take a step back, asses the situation and decide it’s time for tea and knitting. However, the times has come to update you so let’s start with fun stuff – we’ve had a few weeks and Read More
You are what you eat – a bit of the Balkans in Luxembourg
Raising children abroad means feeding them differently, as well. As a child, I never knew crudités, never heard of raclette, smelled smelly cheese, seen the stunning (not to mention delicious) macaroons in the coffee shop window during a stroll through the city centre or insisted my mother adds fromage frais to her shopping cart; contrary Read More