16th-22nd March

MILA, Flex und Flo, homeschooling

With the first week of quarantine behind us, I feel we have settled into some kind of a rhythm amidst this imposed isolation. There’s been a lot of school work done (yes, even a test!) but also loads of informal learning such as piano practice, reading, craft, and baking. Oh, the things we’ve baked! And after months on end of dreadful weather, we finally got some much-needed sun and warmth, taking full advantage of it.
Do have a look also at my Instagram LaraMarkoKids and FB page!

school2 681x1024 - 16th-22nd March
6sun 849x1024 - 16th-22nd March
1bake 1024x527 - 16th-22nd March
2kindle 673x1024 - 16th-22nd March
7test 1024x730 - 16th-22nd March
4pedals 754x1024 - 16th-22nd March
3piano 1024x606 - 16th-22nd March

Share and Enjoy !

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