I’m starting a new series called My Deluxe Week in 7 pictures. Every Sunday evening I am going to post 7 pictures (give or take one or two) which best represent the previous week; that may mean one for each day but not necessarily. It is going to be a collection of snapshots showing my daily life juggling work, keeping a household afloat, taking care of my children and keeping up with their extracurricular activities, while also trying to be a good friend and wife.
I’ve started collecting photos for this purpose at the beginning of the month but due to the Covid-19 madness and subsequent imposed home-schooling, somehow didn’t get the chance to select, edit and post the pictures. Therefore, I’m starting with the week od 2nd – 8th March, hoping I will quickly catch up.
You can also find the shots on my Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/laramarkokids/ and my FB page Our deluxe life.