6th – 12th June, 2022

7piknik1 scaled - 6th - 12th June, 2022

Over the weekend, we bought new Legos because clearly we don’t have enough of them and joined a massive pic-nic, enabling us to rub shoulders with people we haven’t seen in a really long time. Full of small treats and a close encounter with a famous writer, we’re read for the last month of school!

1LegoMovie 1024x724 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
2solata 1024x768 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
3senca 730x1024 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
4treat 702x1024 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
5Sephora 1024x744 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
6Joyce 593x1024 - 6th - 12th June, 2022
7piknik 1024x491 - 6th - 12th June, 2022

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