12th – 18th July, 2021

0cover S 2 scaled - 12th - 18th July, 2021

Aaaaand… that’s a wrap. School year is over, let the holidays begin!!
As the children were slaving away at school for the last few days, I tried to squeeze in a bit of shopping and a solo lunch while also arrange for the teacher’s gift and something fun to keep the children occupied during the summer. Now the only worry I have left is how to deal with the mountain of old school books. 😱

1uzivancija 1024x455 - 12th - 18th July, 2021
2herr joffer z 1024x671 - 12th - 18th July, 2021
3zadnji dan 1024x724 - 12th - 18th July, 2021
4knjige z - 12th - 18th July, 2021
5Schuby 2 712x1024 - 12th - 18th July, 2021
6racke 662x1024 - 12th - 18th July, 2021
7zahod - 12th - 18th July, 2021

Share and Enjoy !

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