18th – 24th May

Rubik's Cube, 6-year-old wonder

Kitties offered for free, setting up a tiny garden and dying hair a fiery red keeps us busy, with a certain degree of calamity. But the greatest news of all, is that Jakob, my tiny cub, has managed to figure out how to solve the Rubik’s Cube. No help from us (as if I would ever be able to do it?!), just persistence and hard work. Something I can not accuse him of very often, making his endeavour even more spectacular!

Catch us also on https://www.facebook.com/LaraMarkoKids/?eid=ARDA3PZmH1cZMyB8lmIEo7-I-Wb_MlXdir4ZphezYwJQ0ZsXj-qcqYnI56f5Nu5SO81K3SwRjAi-KBdK

kosilo 770x1024 - 18th - 24th May
Cats z 664x1024 - 18th - 24th May
lasje 1024x601 - 18th - 24th May
knjiga 790x1024 - 18th - 24th May

sajenje 776x1024 - 18th - 24th May
rana z 1024x770 - 18th - 24th May
Rubik 690x1024 - 18th - 24th May

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