7th – 13th June, 2021

0cover S scaled - 7th - 13th June, 2021

From being sunburnt twice in a week to our garage being flooded and back, this has certainly been an eventful week, while we took up new and rediscovered old hobbies.

7poplava - 7th - 13th June, 2021
2kruh - 7th - 13th June, 2021
3Andrea - 7th - 13th June, 2021
4gosenica 745x1024 - 7th - 13th June, 2021
5sladekkruh - 7th - 13th June, 2021
6pool 696x1024 - 7th - 13th June, 2021
7redvelvet 686x1024 - 7th - 13th June, 2021

Share and Enjoy !

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