4th – 10th January, 2021

galette de rois, sveti trije kralji, token, victory!, post-New Year, po novem letu, prvi dnevu novega leta, the three Wise Men, first week of 2021, first week of the new year, prvi teden novega leta, prima settimana dell'anno nuovo, bitter cold, gelé,

New Year’s resolutions and hunting for the best Galette de Rois is what has marked most our week. In between, during a casual stroll through the city, we bumped into a luscious green beast.

1resolutions - 4th - 10th January, 2021
2risba v snegu 1 725x1024 - 4th - 10th January, 2021
3klavir 1 683x1024 - 4th - 10th January, 2021
4avto 1 1024x684 - 4th - 10th January, 2021
5pre darila 1 1024x552 - 4th - 10th January, 2021
6movienight 1024x744 - 4th - 10th January, 2021
7galette 1024x683 - 4th - 10th January, 2021

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