3rd – 9th October, 2022

pogled v nebo,

Temperatures have dropped and we have sailed well into autumn but the weather is still mild enough to sit outside and enjoy the last gentle sun rays. On the other hand, pumpkin soup is still very appropriate. And look who has new glasses!

1Marko 768x1024 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022
2pumpkin soup 768x1024 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022
3Hearz 768x1024 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022
4Lara 768x1024 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022
5jesen 1024x498 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022
6choco 768x1024 - 3rd - 9th October, 2022

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