29th March – 4th April, 2021

0cover scaled - 29th March - 4th April, 2021

The week before the grand finale has been, quite obviously, chocolate themed with frequent trips to the park and a surprise old-timer exhibition.

1parkMerl - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
2zajci 1024x741 - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
3cokosladoled 686x1024 - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
4kosarice 1024x742 - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
5avti 1024x572 - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
6cevapi 1024x634 - 29th March - 4th April, 2021
7pre egghunt - 29th March - 4th April, 2021

Share and Enjoy !

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