Homeschooling – quarantine edition

˝This is not home schooling, this is crisis schooling˝, I’ve heard log-time homeschoolers say. ˝It does not even resemble what normal home schooling looks like˝. So be gentle to yourself and those around you while discovering how we are trying to navigate this crisis schooling thingy.

13th – 19th April

Easter brought chocolate galore. And as spring continues showering us with summer weather, technology offers some relief during the quarantine with video calls to friends and virtual visits to Versaille. And this is the end of our Easter holidays. School, albeit from home, is back on from tomorrow morning!

6th – 12th April

Easter holidays have started over here and with much less school work to be done, we moved our lives to the outside. With more time on our hands, Mia ventured into destroying one of her books (as directed, but still) and me into nail art.Keep up with our quarantine on FB and Instagram

Life in the time of Quarantine

Just like life (or love) in the time of cholera, it is hard to endure all that has been thrown at us recently. But just as cholera, this too shall pass. In the meantime, here are a few ways we try (mostly successfully) to keep sane.