KatareKid’s very first tournament

So, we had an eventful weekend, lovelies. Our KarateKid had his very first tournament and it was as thrilling as you can imagine, if not more! From the minute he woke up everything revolved around the afternoon competition and upon arrival at the venue, things got real! First, he changed into his kimono and as Read More

What my children got for New Year’s

As many of you know, we don’t do Christmas presents. What we have always done instead, is New Year’s presents. We usually ˝write a letter˝ to Grandpa Frost as well, which is fun for the children and helps me pinpoint their priorities as fa as presents go. Customarily the ˝letter˝ consisted of cut-outs from toy Read More

Why my children got nothing for Christmas

This year, as all previous ones, my children didn’t get a single present on Christmas Eve. Or morning. Having said that, December was just as joyful and filled with celebration, love, expectation and yes, presents, for them as well. The month kicked off with the advent calendar that not only lasted all throughout the month Read More