Another summer’s over, another school year has begun.
This time, it marks both my children officially entering primary school, leaving behind all child’s play of Spillschoul and facing the serious game of homework and (semi) regular tests!
As every year, the first school day over, we went for cake trying to squeeze in a photo session, this time with no luck. It was a crazy week with me re-starting school, as well and Mia’s birthday being celebrated on 4 different occasions. It all spiraled out of control and the photoshoot got pushed further and further into the future. However, I can proudly say, we did not forget! Hair done, Sunday Bests and shades included with our scooters in tow, we somehow made it happen. Woo-hoo!

As usual, it all started sanely enough, the children smiling into the camera and being all cute. And as usual, it all soon went downhill with dubbing, chasing each other, poses any rocker would envy and in the end, throwing the bord into the air as if, somehow, they were both done with school already. Or with this photoshoot, anyhow. 🤔 🤨

A very successful school year to all, my dears!