Shalalalalaa lala la laaaaa
December’s nearly here and knowing that, my children have started first gently reminding me, then bluntly asking me whether their Advent calendar for this year was ready.
And it is!
Since all has been thought of, written, and prepared in the last few years, all I had left to do was simply purchase the joyous trinkets. Some are repetitive, some are new additions but the general rule of thumb I followed was to choose something the children need but would appreciate as well. I tried to strike some kind of balance with a mixture of material things and experiences, sweets, toys, and useful gadgets. Yes, toothbrushes found their place this year, as well, as did lip balm. Although I usually aim for small trifles, a few bigger items (in size and expense) sneaked in, mostly bought a while ago, just waiting for the right time to be brought out of the shadows.

Obviously, there’s Lego but there are also some festive bath products, silly accessories, Math activity books, a few gift cards, and tasks to complete. While mostly there’s a gift for each child, I chose to make them share the same one as well once or twice. What I’m most excited about this year, are baubles. Apparently plain baubles, which you then decorate yourself, have become somewhat of a trend; I’ve found the blackboard paint ones and the glass version. Of course, they are meant for the cubs but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind sharing. Right?

Although devoid of a crystal ball, I have a sneaky feeling there are quivers of anticipation and screams of excitement in my future!

It all starts tomorrow. Happy December everybody!