Growing up I never had an advent calendar. I don’t remember any of my friends having it, either. Whether it was cultural or a sign of the times, I couldn’t say. However, they are omnipresent these days, with chocolate, toy, baby food. even beauty brands putting their own goodies on the market each season. After trying the store-bought calendars for two consecutive years (Yes, it was Lego one. Both times.) I decided to give it a go and make one myself. I really had no idea what exactly I wanted to do or how; even the basics were astonishingly bleary.
Since we are not much involved with any religion and don’t mark Christmas Eve in any particular way, a classic Advent calendar seemed out of place in our home. Hence, the first thing I decided was to make a 31-day version of the Advent calendar, culminating with the main gift on New Year’s Eve. Which is basically our Christmas Eve, so it’s fair game. When the brown paper bags I had ordered online came MUCH smaller than expected, the concept changed even further.
First, I opted for clues to be put in each little bag, contrary to the original idea of the actual present being left inside. I decorated the bags with stickers and some Christmas-themed stamps. With the addition of a few strokes from a golden marker, I think it came out looking pretty sleek.

As a second step, I made the cards with the clues. Considering it was my first time making something even remotely similar and I felt utterly overwhelmed, I kept it simple – white paper, a metal marker and some stickers stolen from my children’s stash. I was also quite obvious and coarse with the clues, basically letting them know right away where to search for the goodies.
Finally, I assembled it all, pasted the bags on their bedroom door and waited for the next morning.
There were a few glitches throughout the month, mostly because of me forgetting to hide the items where they were supposed to be found by the children. But we always managed. Last year we even succeeded in taking part of the calendar with us to Spain for the holidays!
As to the chosen items, I didn’t want to make it all about sweets and toys; I tried to include items that would excite my children but that they needed, anyway. Lipbalm is always a great success, fancy hand cream, new toothbrushes with their favourite character. Gloves, a pack of Chritsmas socks and new underwear provoked much glee, as well. Obviously, I did include some chocolate and biscuits but mixed it up with fruit pouches, oranges and walnuts. Small toys were handed out, colouring booklets and pots of playdough. There have been vouchers for a family movie night, dinner at the restaurant of their choice and a biscuit-baking session. Since life is not only about receiving, I incorporated random acts of kindness, as well.

Which brings us to this year. Not having to deal with the calendar itself and somehow having remembered to buy all the tidbits at the beginning of November already I had plenty of time to fiddle with the clues. I indulged in some Christmas-themed cardboard from which I cut smaller cards, then went onto a hunt for rhymes. Indeed, I decided to make rhyming clues that would not be obvious at a first glance but would make my offsprings cooperate and use their brain cells if they wanted to access the final prize of the day. I was also initiated into the magical world of calligraphy and although it all took much more time than expected, I was quite pleased with the final result.
They have opened 4 bags till now and all of them brought about first, great interest in the clues and later, unexpected squeals of delight. 🤣💕

There are 18 bags still left untouched on their door, the last nine are going on the road with us. The things you do to bring holiday magic about!
Happy holidays to all!