It’s a wee obsession of mine, finding traditions to sprinkle onto our lives. Big fat celebrations which involve a ton of time and thought to make happen are difficult to fit into our every-day but a pizza night every Friday or a family movie evening on Saturdays, does not require too much effort. The same goes for including a personalized T-shirt into my children’s birthday celebrations.
A former co-worker of mine, an artist who is genuinely brilliant, painted a T-shirt for Jakob’s 3rd birthday.

Since then, we’ve made it a custom. Throughout the years, she’s been kind enough to make many more, for each of my children’s parties. After the pirate one, Jakob requested a Lego Superheroes and Mia a Frozen top. It was followed by butterflies, footballs, Pokemons, flamingos and, most recently, a T-shirt crowded with wild animals!

All I have to do is place a call a week or two before the party, drop off the shirt and some colours, preferably over ice-cream or coffee. Then, wait for her to work her magic.
Although much of my children’s clothing, once outgrown, gets recycled one way or another, these are the keepsakes I hold on to and will, one day, send off together with my offsprings into the wide world.