We’ve been on a decluttering journey this year, with minimalism as the end goal. Now, it’s always commenable to reach for the stars but in our case minimalism is a very lax term. It means having less posessions, avoid impulse buys, bring into the house only things we really love and will appreciate long into the future, letting go of all the nicknack that only collects dust.
In the spirit of these new family guidelines, I’ve resisted the urge to buy new shiny pretty things for myself this giving season, as I would have normally done. Instead, I’ve focused on getting the items I really needed and on enjoying the ones I already had. I’ve realized I still really enojoy the items I got last December; they bring a smile to my lips and give me joy when I use them. And that’s all I needed this December. Thus it’s worth sharing them with you.
As already mentioned, shiny and sparkly is my weak spot. Hence when I saw this silver and gold mug set on the Boots website, I couldn’t resist. I still remember the excitement I felt when the package arrived; although I vowed not to open it till New Year’s Eve, it WAS a New Year’s gift after all, I started using them that very same day and the love affair is still going strong a year later.

They do have to be hand-washed, which is the reason my husband hates them with a passion, hinting at donating them to the needy every here and there. But they get constant attention from friends and family and I enjoy using them daily.
The other gift to myself was the Too Faced Grand Hotel Cafe makeup set. Over the following couple of months I heard many negative reviews about the set but personally, I actually quite like it. True, I don’t reach for it daily, having many other palletes in my collection but they always bring a smie to my face. The colour selection is gorgeous and I’m always reminded of how much I love the Peach Cobbler blush whenever I use it again after a long time. And the smell!
Also, they are the perfect size to bring a long on a holiday get away. In fact, the three palletes and a fondation was all the make-up I packed last year for our Christmas holidays in France.
This year, however, we’re staying home and planning a low-key, family-centered celebration full of home-cooked dishes, biscuites sent over by grandma and board games.
Joyful giving (and receiving!) to everyone!